Multidisciplinary, National Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Journal
ISSN 2454-3144 (O)

About the Journal
Hill Quest is a Multidisciplinary National Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Journal of Research, devoted to the publication of research studies covering a range of disciplines. It is a multidisciplinary journal which covers a very wide range of areas in social sciences, performing and visual art, humanities, literature, management, etc. and we invite submissions from researchers from all over the country. The Journal is published as an open-access allowing a wide range research articles to be instantly available to scholars, academicians and scientific community who can access and use it. Authors from all disciplines are welcomed to submit research papers.
Aims and Scope
Hill Quest is a Multidisciplinary National Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Journal, dedicated to the publication of original research articles on music. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Business Studies
- Commerce
- Cultural Studies
- Dance
- Economics
- Education
- English
- Folf music
- Folk traditions
- Geography
- Hindi
- History
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Journalism
- Law
- Management
- Mass Communications
- Music
- Performing Arts
- Physical Education
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Sanskrit
- Sociology
- Theater
- Tribal studies
- Visual Arts
- Vocational Studies
- Yoga
- Yoga Studies
- and all other areas (except pure science).
Review Policy
Hill Quest: Multidisciplinary, National Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Journal. Upon receipt of a manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief sends it for review. After receiving the reviews, the Editor-in-Chief takes a decision on status of the manuscript: acceptable; revise and resubmit; refuse; not suitable for this journal. After the Editor-in-Chief’s decision, review report is conveyed to the authors. Final decisions concerning publication are made by the Editor-in-Chief.
Author Guidelines
(A) Manuscript preparation and submission
(a) Brief Format of Research Paper
Paper Title
Author Name
Designation with complete official address, mobile no., email ID
Abstract : Maximum 200 words
Keywords: Maximum 6 words
* Introduction
* Material and methods
* Research Methodology
* Study area
* Results and discussion
* Conclusion
* References (in APA/MLA style only)
* Maximum word limit 4000.
* For paper written in English language: Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12pt
* For paper written in Hindi language: Font: Kokila (a UNICODE font), Size: 16pt
(b) Detailed Format of Research Paper
Cover Letter
With each manuscript submission, author(s) must enclose a covering letter signed by all contributors
Peer Review Policy
Upon receipt of a manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief will send it for review. After receiving the reviews, the Editor-in-Chief will make a decision on status of the manuscript: acceptable; revise and resubmit; refuse; not suitable for this journal. After the Editor-in-Chief’s decision, reviews will be conveyed to the authors. Final decisions concerning publication are made by Editor-in-Chief.
Journal Contributor’s publishing Agreement
Journal takes issues of copyright infringement & plagiarism in publication very seriously.
Authors are responsible for getting consent from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.
Article Types
Research Papers: Research papers should not exceed 4,000 words (including references), though in some cases, longer accounts may also be entertained. Original manuscripts in style and content not accepted or published elsewhere, are welcomed. Each manuscript must include an informative one-paragraph abstract that briefly (fewer than 200 words) summarizes the article. Manuscripts along with an abstract and four or five key words can be submitted for publication. Keywords and abstract are important to ensure readers to find your article online through online search engines.
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscript must be written in English/Hindi. It must be clear, concise and grammatically correct.
-Font: Times New Roman or Arial (bold, underline or italics may be used where necessary)
-Font (for Hindi):Kokila (a UNICODE font) bold, underline or italics may be used where necessary)
-Font size: 12 for English
-Font size: 16 for Hindi
The journal has an editorial board and several reputed subject experts as ‘referees’. The review of manuscripts is done by reviewers according to the area of expertise. All decisions to accept, revise, or reject a paper will be made by the editors.
Manuscript Submission
Kindly submit your Manuscript to pspublications2015@gmail.com
Any other information
Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information on the Manuscript Submission process should be sent to pspublications2015@gmail.com
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